Monday, September 24, 2012

Today, I will discuss the stunning and brilliant design works of one of the greatest visual futurist of all time - Mr. Syd Mead. Syd is an industrial designer who has worked for Ford Motor Company, U.S. Steel, and Philips Electronics and then found himself lending his vast concept design and artistic creative talents to the movie industry.  He is directly responsible for creating the amazing visual style for Ridley Scott's Bladerunner, Disney's original TRON movie and Star Trek - The Motion Picture.  He also created the brilliantly designed and fully functional robot for Short Circuit (No. 5) and the set designs for 2010, A Space Odyssey.  His works have influenced so many future concept and design artists including myself for many years and he continues to create dazzling worlds.  I can only hope he is called upon again for BladeRunner II (Coming Soon) and possibly a remake for Logan's Run.  I feel he would be one of the key ingredients for creating a fantastic future world needed in Logan's Run, if they ever remake it and remake it well.  I've always admired his work along with thousands of other artists in the concept design industry.  Here are some of examples of his work and notice not only the amazing color palette he tends to use with iridescent lighting but his highly practical design features that bring an air of believable functionality to each design.  You can see and purchase his works at  All works below are copy written and protected by Syd Mead.   All rights reserved by Syd Mead.

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